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How to work with the table containing door frames markings

If you need help with determining of the adjustable frame or frame for sliding doors you can use our simple table that is going to help you. 

1) At first, you should measure the thickness of particular wall bellonging to building aperture. 

2) Measure of particular building aperture has to be compared with measures mentioned in our table. You should consider especially the column „frame adjustment range“. Then you can choose a frame marking that is related to particular adjustment range.

frame marking (cm) frame adjustment range (cm) frame marking (cm) frame adjustment marking (cm)  
8 8, 0  - 8, 9  22 21, 5  - 23, 4 
9 9, 0  - 9, 9  24 23, 5  - 25, 4 
10 9, 5  - 11, 4  26 25, 5  - 27, 4 
11 10, 5  - 12, 4  28 27, 5  - 29, 4 
12 11, 5  - 13, 4  30 29, 5  - 31, 4 
14 13, 4  - 15, 4  32 31, 5  - 33, 4 
15 14, 5  - 16, 4  34 33, 5  - 35, 4 
16 15, 5  - 17, 4  36 35, 5  - 37, 4 
18 17, 5  - 19, 4  38 37, 5  - 39, 5 
20 19, 5  - 21, 4     

Example: In case you realized that your wall is 13,2 cm thick you have to choose a frame marked as 12. This frame is convenient for walls that are from 11,5 cm to 13,4 cm thick, so it is the right choice for you.
